User's guide /




The following operations can be performed in OBS ERP:
  • Import transactions history
  • Import account balance
  • Counterparties - get information and create a new counterparty
  • Transfers - creates a transfer
Integration instructions

1. Create public and private keys as described in the official Revolut API documentation
2. Create a new API Connection in Revolut as shown below:

2.1 Open "Connect"

2.2 Add a certifacte - the contents of your public key. PLease note the redirect link. You need to replace "instance" with the name of your OBS ERP instance.

2.3 Note the Client ID

2.4 Add configuration in OBS ERP -> Administration -> Settings ( )

2.5 Attach your private key to setting (revolut_private_key)

2.6 Go back to Revolut and enable the API Access.

3. Get in touch with OBS ERP representative for special use cases