2018-12-21 OBS ERP New Features Dec-2018

New Features and Modules in OBS ERP

New integrations
  • Integration with Google Maps

Real-time monitoring of the business
  • New additional functions for chart and graphics visualizations are developed
    • Personal stats - limits the results solely for the logged-in user
    • Department stats - limits the results solely for the department that the logged-in user is a part of
    • No time limit - removes the time limit of the graphic
  • Assigning more than one user groups to a user
  • Redesigned User groups creation interface

Bug Fixes
  • Email client - bug fixed in function "Relate a letter to a document"
  • Security bug fixed - at certain conditions it was possible to gain access to restricted information. Not anymore.
  • Bug fixed in the function for importing data - checks if the first column contains a numeric value and if yes - it initiates the import
  • Improved visualization of errors
New functions for automating work processes
  • CheckTaskCheckList - checks if all sub-tasks are completed before the task could be marked as completed
  • CheckIfAllTasksAreCompleted - checks if all tasks have been completed before a project could be marked as closed
  • GenerateMonthlyWorksheetFromTasks - generates a work report with all the tasks for the month
  • ConvertDocument - convert a document as part of a workflow. For example, converting a quote to contract during a sales process
Tools for developpers
  • Completely new module for creating and executing JavaScript code when loading system components. Gives unlimited possibilities in terms of customization of the view and functionality of OBS ERP
  • Color themes - create personalized color themes directly in the system based on pure CSS code
  • Executing SQL triggers - possibility for defining and executing SQL triggers on OBS ERP modules
  • Creating SQL reports - opportunity for creating SQL reports and visualize them in tabular form. The reports can be color-formatted
  • API Update - new methods
    • GetRecordByMap - find records by key/value -{"name":"George", "surname":"Smith"}'
    • GetAttachments - list with the attached files to a document
    • CustomJSONEndpointsController - custom API endpoints
    • Dates filter - dates_map__=[{"date":{"start":"2018-01-01", "end":"2018-02-02"}}] - search by N pairs of dates