The Constructor is the core of OBS ERP. It is a web interface, which allows the users to customize the software in accordance with their business needs.

All modules in OBS ERP are created through the Constructor.


1. Creating new modules -
the Constructor allows you to create custom modules to address specific business needs.
    - you can create a module for storing detailed, searchable information about all vehicles in your organisation;
    - or a module for storing product information connected with your web site through the OBS ERP API;
    - or a module storing information about a manufacturing process within your organisation. Every step of the manufacturing process can trigger specific function ( notification, document creation, project initiation, etc. )
Full - featured Constructor including the OBS ERP API is available in the on-premises version.

2. Modifying the structure of the existing modules. The Constructor allows you to:
        * text - opens up html editor
        * varchar - input field accepting text strings
        * numeric - input field accepting only numeric values
        * date - date field
        * timestamp without time zone
        * timestamp with time zone
        * slider - slider accepting all integer values between two integers
        * integer
        * integer referring to another module - creates a drop down menu or live search input box. The contents are loaded from the referred module
        * boolean - YES/NO (ON/OFF) switch
    Navigate to Top bar -> Admin -> Constructor -> Edit Module -> Fields to add a new field. You need to amend the module (button "Amend Module") to apply the changes
        * multiple select - allows choosing more than one option from a list
        * YES/NO drop down list
        * input - search by specific value
        * range (from - to)

Advanced table filters:
Navigate to Constructor -> Edit a module -> Click Filters.
1. In module Expenses, you might want to search for products in sub module Expense items.  In this case you can configure the following: module Constructor -> Edit Expenses -> Filter
2. Search income by country. 
Constructor -> Edit Invoices -> Filter 
3. Search contacts by business relation written in module companies.

Date of last change 15.06.2017